After camping at Okobojo and Cow Creek we came back to Farm Island to camp for the week. On Monday evening there was a short storm that went through. Aterwards, I went out for a short paddle from the campground over to the island, upstream to the causeway, back down, and back to the campground. On the way down while along the island I caught glimpse of a raccoon along the water. I tried to get a couple pictures of him, but he was pretty well hidden among the branches and a bit too far away to get a good shot. And, as usual the pelicans were around, but alwys took over before getting close enough to get an good shots of them either. Since it was a late start, I was only on the water just long enough to paddle 2 miles.
The storm that passed through the campground.
After the storm. It has moved east away from the campground.
Looking toward the island. There is a raccoon in this picture.
Zoomed in on the same picture you can just see him looking at me.